Biogetica Dormisol Capsule (60'S)
Prescription Required: Consult the Doctor & Get Your ePrescription
Biogetica Dormisol Capsule is a bioregulator that improves the nutritional and energy state of the body. It potentially promotes optimal sleep regulation. It regulates the systems involved in the induction and maintenance of healthy physiological sleep, supporting the natural mechanisms that increase memory and learning ability.
It potentiality facilitates a neurotonic effect, which favors natural peaceful sleep and a complete awakening process helping you feel well rested in the morning
This bio-regulator energizes the immune system
Maintains the natural mechanisms that provide a specific multi-systemic approach to induce the balance of neuropeptides and neurotransmitter systems involved in sleep
It potentially calms the entire being and may activate the relaxing mechanisms of the nervous system
It helps with insomnia