Bjain Kali Phosphoricum Biochemic Tablet 6X (450gm)

Bjain Kali Phosphoricum Biochemic Tablet is a homoeopathic medicine which can be used for the treatment of several health conditions. It is useful for patients suffering from bad breath and in children, it prevents bed wetting. It can be used to treat menstrual disorders and contains mild laxative which is useful for patients suffering from constipation.

Beneficial remedy for people suffering from weakness and exhaustion
It helps restore nervous system exhaustion
It can be used for the treatment of depression and anxiety and helps relieve stress
Effective remedy for inflammatory skin conditions
It helps treat night tremors in children, treats bed wetting in children and also treats bleeding from the urethra
In females, especially in teenagers, it can be used for the treatment of delayed puberty and consequentially suffer from late menstrual cycle
Optimally treats constipation