Caripill tablet (15'S)
Prescription Required: Consult the Doctor & Get Your ePrescription
Strip of 15 Tablet
(Inclusive of all taxes)
Caripill tablet contains Carica Papaya leaf extract which contains the enzyme papain. Papain is proteolytic, meaning that it digests (non-living) proteins. This enzymatic preparation improves digestion in general and has also been used to treat less serious digestive disorders like bloating and chronic indigestion. Papaya leaf also shows promise as an aid in combating ulcers. The softening and disintegrating qualities of papain with an alkaline combination can aid in the treatment of dyspepsia.Papaya leaf is used to increase low blood platelet count in Dengue fever and Chikungunya. Low platelet count means that the blood possesses too few thrombocytes or specialized blood cells called platelets. These cells play a key role in blood clotting and lack of sufficient quantities of these cells in the blood can increase the risk of bleeding.