Chicnutrix Happee Natural UTI Management Strawberry Effervescent Tablet (20'S)

Chicnutrix Happee Natural UTI Management Strawberry Effervescent Tablet made with Swiss Effervescent Technology and formulated with clinically proven ursolia salvia officinalis extract, cranberry extract and D-mannose which is a balanced formulation. Chicnutrix Happee is a natural UTI management supplement with a triple-action formula that contains natural ingredients like cranberry extracts, ursolia and D-mannose. The combination relieves the pain, cleanses and protects the urinary tract and resists the bacterias causing infections and also prevents the recurrent UTI. Ursolia is a novel ingredient from Sage extract rich in ursolic acid which is a potent anti-inflammatory ingredient to combine with cranberry in the treatment and prevention of UTI. It helps relieve pain by reducing and preventing inflammatory symptoms caused by bacteria escherichia coli. Cranberry extracts rich in vitamin C and 50% proanthocyanidins A, also called as PAC, it is the only product containing the  50% of PACs. PAC is a flavonoid that acts as antioxidants. D- Mannose prevents infectious bacteria - escherichia coli from sticking to the inside walls of the urinary bladder by sticking to them itself.