Manufacturer: Raptakos Brett & Co Ltd
Rapkostat gel is an effective way to get relief from excessive menstrual bleeding, pain, and infections associated with leucorrhoea.
Dosage: 1-2 gms to be applied twice daily with the help of calibrated applicator for 2-4 weeks or till the symptoms are relieved.Use as directed by physician.
Role of key ingredients:
Dhataki stops bleeding and prevents expulsion of fluids
Daruharidra is a blood purifier and haemostatic agent.
Lodhra treats vaginal infection and injury.
Jati is good for cleansing wounds and reduces temperature.
Kurchi arrests bleeding and relieves pain.
Neempan is an antibacterial, antifungal and blood purifier.
Triphala flushes out toxins from the body.