Common cold

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In general, you don't need to see the doctor for a common cold. But if symptoms worsen or don't go away, it might be time to see your doctor.

Most people with a common cold can be diagnosed by their signs and symptoms. If your doctor suspects that you have a bacterial infection or other condition, he or she may order a chest X-ray or other tests to rule out other causes of your symptoms.

Most people with a common cold can be diagnosed by their signs and symptoms. If your doctor suspects that you have a bacterial infection or other condition, he or she may order a chest X-ray or other tests to rule out other causes of your symptoms.


There is no set cure for the cold, but combining remedies may alleviate symptoms.

Over-the-counter cold medicines usually combine painkillers with decongestants. Some are available individually. These include:

Pain relievers such as aspirin and ibuprofen are good for headaches, joint pain, and fever reduction.

Decongestant nasal sprays such as Afrin, Sinex, and Nasacort can help clear the nose cavity.

Cough syrups help with persistent coughs and sore throats. Some examples are Robitussin, Mucinex, and Dimetapp.

Alternative medicine

Alternative medicine is not proven to be as effective at treating colds as the above methods. Some people do find relief in trying it.

Zinc can be used most effectively if taken 24 hours after the first symptoms. Vitamin C, or foods rich with it (like citrus fruits), are said to boost the immune system. And echinacea is often thought to provide the same immune system boost.

Home remedies

During a cold, it is suggested that you get extra rest and try to eat a low-fat, high-fiber diet. You should also drink a lot of liquids. Other tips for home care:

The warmth and liquid of chicken soup can help sooth symptoms and congestion.

Gargling with salt water may relieve a sore throat.

Cough drops or menthol candies can help with sore throats and cough. The candies provide a coating over the throat that soothes inflammation.

Controlling your home’s temperature and humidity can prevent the growth of bacteria.